Being a TMOD

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Friends every meeting we all take different roles in Toast Masters. Although every role has its own specialty and something to learn but the role of the TMOD is very crucial yet challenging. Being a TMOD is a valuable experience. It’s said that “If it doesn’t challenge you it doesn’t change you”.

The TMOD has to decide the theme of the meeting and enlighten that theme. Finding the theme seems easy but when one starts researching for it it’s a big challenge because randomly choosing a topic a topic can lead to disaster.

The TMOD has to explain the theme of the day, introduce each participant in his or her own unique way, engage  the audience, and ensure  that the meeting follows the agenda or plan.  

Now that we have online meetings, it is the TMOD’s responsibility to ensure that all of the role players are present and that their microphones are operational. There are no technical glitches for the role players, and the transitions between speakers are smooth.

The TM should enthrall audience with the theme and encourage everyone to participate actively in the meeting. 
TM should also make note of any visitors and give them the opportunity to speak. This is place where one learns 
to be good orator and improves his social standing. If there are any changes, TMOD should first double-check with the club’s Vice President to avoid last-minute headaches.

Advantages of being a TMOD

  1. Improves organization with the club members
  2. Improves time management
  3. Improvers your public speaking skills.
  4. It improves leadership quality
  5. Enhances team work and increases networking.
  6. Improves personal growth
  7. One gets a clear communication skill that helps in career
  8. It increases self-confidence.
  9. It improves critical thinking
The theme of my first meeting as member of TM was “slow and steady wins the race.” 
It felt very appropriate for me because arrived as newcomer who knew nothing about Toastmasters. 
had the impression that would learn everything in stages. Creativity knows no bounds. 
It is up to TMOD to make the meeting success. The theme should be appealing, and everyone should be eager tolearn what has been thoroughly researched.
There are numerous themes that can be considered, such as positive thinking, the mantra of success, facing fears, 
happiness, and the magic of reading, sports, the beginning of million dreams, spreading smiles, and the list goes on…. 
One of our club’s TM recently proposed the Karak Chai theme. 
Since the cold weather has arrived in the UAE, everyone has been enjoying that theme. 
The TM must add personal touch to the theme. 
He should use humor, personal anecdotes, and simple language to help the audience understand. 
He should be calm, arrive early, and visualize his success.

After knowing all these multiple benefits of taking up the role of TMOD one should come forward and   take up the role of TMOD.


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