district 105

Where Leaders Are Made

district 105

toastmasters international

Club Growth

Ramanujam Raghavan, DTM

Club Growth Director

Dear friends and members of District 105,

At the outset, I would like to extend my gratitude for giving me the honor to serve you as your District Club Growth Director.

As I reflect back on my 9 years as a Toastmaster, my journey has been an abundance of opportunities to learn, grow and explore new skills and potentials. It has also helped me understand the pain and challenges our District, clubs and members have been encountering in terms of growth, clubs’ revival and membership retention.

Every challenge has a mindset required to overcome it, and in these challenging times, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. I invite each one of you to embrace a mindset of fruitful collaboration and effective team work as this is the right path towards growth.

As your Club Growth Director, I offer you not promises, but a pledge to support you in crossing this bumpy road while empowering our leaders in attaining the goals they aspire to achieve. Together, my team will support you in starting new clubs and growing the ones that already exist. Our dedication lies in comprehending your obstacles, exchanging novel concepts, encouraging further education, and unleashing your boundless potential. Furthermore, we will ensure that current clubs receive good training, coaching, Speechcraft information, and open houses in order to stimulate motivation, passion, and membership growth.

Together, let us create a stronger District 105 and together let us make history.
Yours truly,

Ramanujam Raghavan, DTM

Club Growth Director, District 105, Region 8

CGD Team
Karthyic Subramanian, DTM

Club New Source Research

TM Ashok Kanagasabai

Club Extension

TM Jason Sudario Lee

Club Extension

TM Rita Khimji

Club Retention

Umakanth Devarajan, DTM

Club Retention

Andie Petrides, DTM

Club Quality

Extended Club Growth Team

TM Mohammad Al Kaseasbeh

Assistant Division A Director - Club Growth

TM Nader Lardhi

Assistant Division B Director - Club Growth

TM Riyad Abdul Salam

Assistant Division C Director - Club Growth

TM Farzana Nyaz

Assistant Division D Director - Club Growth

TM Aparna Kumar

Assistant Division E Director - Club Growth

TM Vittala Champakavalli

Assistant Division F Director - Club Growth

TM Asanka Fernando

Assistant Division G Director - Club Growth

TM Arunabha Chatterjee

Assistant Division H Director - Club Growth

TM Jojo Joseph

Assistant Division I Director - Club Growth

cgd awards



Where Leaders Are Made