A couple of days back I was reading about Eric Weihenmayer the American athlete, adventurer, author and activist. He is also the first blind man to summit Mount Everest, he did it on May 25, 2001. He has done what most of us, the normal people, with all our senses intact would not have the courage to do. Summiting Mount Everest is a huge accomplishment for anyone, but for a visually impaired person it is an incredible feat.
But the most important thing that struck me about Eric is the way he worked hard to acquire the skills required and prepared himself for the arduous climb. He left nothing to chance. This is very relevant for all of us in today’s world, who think that there is a quick fix for everything in life.
However abled we are, we must chalk out our personal and professional journey and train ourselves for the same, if we want to succeed. Hard work and the right attitude are the only magics in life. If you want to lead a happy and fulfilling life, then follow these basic steps:
Let me remind you that circumstances change regularly and so we must keep updating and changing our plan of action. All of us have seen how the COVID 19 pandemic has affected the lives of people worldwide and many of us had to change quite a few of our plans. And then go all out and do it, execute your plans, do not hesitate, take the plunge, but do it smartly and intelligently. This is the most important part. Do whatever has to be done. Some of your plans might fail but you don’t let this fear hold you back. For example- Do a course that has to be done to upgrade your cv. Sit down with a professional advisor to sort out your finances. Assess your health insurance plan. Be clear about your children’s educational and career plans. Go for that much needed vacation.
I am sure we have all heard this old puzzle: Three small monkeys were sitting on a tree above a lake. One of the monkey’s decided to jump into the water. So how many monkeys are left on the tree now? If your answer is 3 you are right. One of the monkey’s only decided to jump into the lake, he did not jump. We are all a little bit like the third monkey, we think, we decide, we plan but we do not do it. On a lighter note, I always wonder why I am not losing weight even though I had decided to lose weight three months ago. Let me put it bluntly, we succeed in life not by deciding to do things but by doing them. We get results due to action, not just intent.
Just do it because action speaks louder then words