As I started to pen down another blog this afternoon, I was stuck with the most important question-what to write about?
As I gazed outside my window, I watched school students walking down the narrow lanes behind my apartment, heading towards their homes, amidst the deafening sound of the blaring horns on the Delhi streets, harrowing volumes of vehicles whizzing past them, children hopping on and off the footpath… I realised that life itself is the biggest question. Yes, the Frequently Asked Question is – Life! So, here’s a list of the most common FAQs that run in my mind when I talk of life…
What’s the meaning of life?
This seems like a wrong question to ask. It’s like asking “What does water mean?’’ So, there’s no meaning of life, because life can’t have a meaning. But I can choose to live a meaningful life. We can, nevertheless, lead a fulfilling life. It is entirely up to us to assign purpose to our lives.
What’s the best philosophy for life?
For me, my personal life philosophy is the finest way to live. Taking inspiration from others, but paving my own way out for myself, and not just following the herd.
What is happiness?
Happiness is self-sufficiency. Wealth, success, fortune – are at the mercy of chance, and we shouldn’t entrust our happiness with them. The key to happiness is independence.
Is there a perfect way to approach life?
I don’t think so. People are not machines. Life is an art, not a science.
How to find true freedom?
True freedom is understanding why you want what you want and not merely being free to do whatever you want.
What’s the greatest virtue?
Having wisdom is the highest virtue. All the other qualities are the facets of the wisdom gemstone, such as intellect, courage, and temperance.
What makes an individual different?
Firstly, acknowledging that we are all sea waves. In the larger scheme of things, our differences are much more superficial than we realise, regardless of where we are from or the language we speak.
Is there a handbook for life?
Ah, I wish there was. But each one of us is different. If there were a handbook, there would be billions of handbooks on this planet!
And, the penultimate one – Is death the end?
I believe we will never be able to know for sure, so let’s assume this is the case. It is preferable to view death as the beginning rather than the finish. If it were the end, we would not be doing things that we do on a daily basis, it is the reason we get out of bed!
This is a work in progress. There are many such questions… trying to figure out and answer them one by one the best I can… Got a question? Do reach out…