Toastmasters and the pandemic… WIIFM?

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It’s almost a year since the pandemic has started and there is no evident end in sight. With so many things in flux, jobs, health, stability, and goals, how can we remain in Toastmasters and still continue to get the best out of it?

Well, for one, among the main advantages that the pandemic has brought with it is the ability to meet online. This simply means that you can now participate in meetings worldwide, reach out to mentors beyond your district, and tailor your TM experience like no other TMs in the past have been able to.

Here’s a few interesting things I have done post pandemic to get maximum exposure and value out of my TM Membership

  1. Create a mastermind group – collect and assemble a group of legends in the discipline you want to get good at, keep Zoom meetings with them at regular intervals, and get their insights. Works like a dream.
  2. Decide which among the 3 Cs you are – Are you a Creator, Consumer or Curator? This will determine the extent of your progress in Communication and Leadership – while creators create speeches, podcasts and experiment across mediums by making new content, consumers observe and learn or just attend meetings for the experience. Curators, on the other hand, do lesser speeches but meticulously note down devices, techniques and other styles and use them directly in a real-world setting. Decide your C, then move forward.
  3. Jet-Sit-Go: I make it a point to attend at least 2 meetings a month, away from my district, often as a listener or a fly on the wall. This has enabled me to become more “international” observing best practices worldwide and also worked on my speed of speaking, vocabulary or accent so I can make it more global and understandable across nationalities. The best thing is, I need only 4 Cs here – Camera, Clothes, Chair and Communication Devices, and we are ready to go.

Remember every adversity presents with it a remarkable opportunity, just remember that problems are there and so are we, as long as we innovate, we can get the best of any situation given to us.

  • Sujit


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