Invitation to Serve

Gurbinder Singh Punn, DTM
District Leadership Committee Chair 2022-2023
District 105 | Region 11
Invitation to serve Toastmasters District Leadership positions for 2023-24 term
Dear Members of District 105,
On behalf of District 105, I would like to invite nominations from the active members to serve as District Officers for the Toastmasters year 2023-2024.
The district is going to be reformed into two districts next year. The two District Composition will be as under :
District 105 | District 127 |
(Oman, Abu Dhabi, Jordan, Palestine) | (Dubai, Northern Emirates UAE, Lebanon) |
Nominations for the following positions are invited: –
Si.No | Position | District |
1 | District Director | 105 |
2 | Program Quality Director | 105 |
3 | Club Growth Director | 105 |
4 | Division Directors | Current Div A to H |
The current Division names will be reassigned as new names for both Districts by the District Council at the District Council Meeting in 2023.
Note: Nomination for Area Director position will be invited separately. Please contact your Area Director for more details.
How to Nominate:
Fill in the required forms, and forward them to undersigned by email ( by Tuesday, 31 January 2023. The nominations will be closed at midnight of 31st Jan 2023 (GMT+4 time zone).
Attach the following documents with the nomination:
- District Leader Nomination Form
- Officer Agreement and Release Statement Form
- District Leader Biographical Information Form
- List of Club/ District Offices held earlier (snapshot from Toastmasters Profile)
- A passport-size photograph (for publishing with the report/district website / social media, if nominated).
Important Note:
Candidates intending to run from the floor shall also undergo the nomination process. Only those candidates who have submitted their nominations and completed the evaluation process conducted by the DLC are eligible to run from the floor at the annual District Council meeting. Those who fail to submit the nomination by 31 January 2023 will not be eligible to run from the floor.
Take your leadership experience to the next level by serving your District. Not only does serving as a District Leader fulfill a requirement on the path to becoming a Distinguished Toastmaster, but it also is a rewarding part of the Toastmaster’s journey.
You may also nominate dedicated leaders known to you who have the potential to take up District Leadership roles.
Other Resources on District Elections are available on the Toastmasters website:
If you need any more clarification, please feel free to contact the undersigned.
Best Regards,
Gurbinder Singh Punn, DTM
District Leadership Committee Chair 2022-2023
District 105 | Region 11
District 105 – Where Leaders Are Made –